Learning Issues Library
Child-serving professionals who regularly seek out information to address gaps in their knowledge base can better help those impacted by trauma. These resources address some of the most common learning issues one can find in the field.
- What are best practices for interviewing children who may have experienced maltreatment?
- How are hotline calls for infants and toddlers handled?
- Best practices for trauma-informed investigations
- How are hotline workers hired, trained, and retained?
- How to distinguish accidental injuries from indicators of physical abuse - Investigator's Checklist
- How does a CAC respond to child physical abuse?
- How do you determine if a child's injuries were caused by abuse?
- What are typical types of burns, and what causes them?
- Recognizing When a Child’s Injury or Illness Is Caused by Abuse
- What are best practices for working with interpretors?
- What are best practices for trauma informed investigations?
- How do you do a cursory interview/minimal facts interview for a hotline call?
- Information about child abuse and neglect prevention
- What services does the local Child Advocacy Center provide in your community?
- What services does the local Child Advocacy Center provide in your community?
- Resources for STS from TEND
- What are the red flags of grooming behavior?
- What roles should Law enforcement and CPS play in an investigation?
- What is the impact of substance use on child welfare?
- What are educational indicators of trauma?
- What are the four tiers of authentic family engagement?
- Why should we bring a racial equity lens to our work with children and families?
- How can child welfare workers best work with caregivers who are separated or have a contentious relationship?
- How might caregivers react when informed of a child abuse investigation?
- How do caregiver reactions impact child's perception of trauma or abuse?
- How might findings of a past child abuse and neglect investigations influence a current investigation?
- How do investigators determine standards of evidence?
- What factors influence a hotline's decision to accept or reject a report?
- How can the child welfare system avoid re-traumatizing children?
- What are the most common safety concerns that would prompt a crisis placement or the removal of child from their home?
- What is an attachment relationship?
- How and when might substance abuse indicate co-occurrence of childhood neglect?
- What rights does a parent have during a visit or investigation?
- What is recourse if parents don't agree with the findings?
- What role might a family play in a perpetrator's trial?
- What role do caregivers play in a child's trauma recovery?
- What rights do parents have during a child abuse investigation?
- What key indicators of concern can be observed during a home visit?
- How does PTSD present differently in children and adults?
- Does a physician have the authority to take emergency custody of a child?
- How can the child welfare system promote attachment?
- What should mandated reporters be mindful of when making reports?
- How does law enforcement get a search warrant to look for evidence?
- What is the difference between physical abuse and physical discipline?
- How can professionals engage preverbal children?
- What is the process of taking protective custody?
- What makes an effective mandated reporter, through the eyes of a hotline operator?
- How are placement determinations made?
- How is post-traumatic growth promoted?
- What is the process of creating a service plan for a family?
- How are forensic interviews used in trials?
- How likely is it that a report is accepted by the hotline?
- Why might a child recant their story, and how often does this occur?
- What risk factors for child maltreatment are seen most often by medical professionals?
- What are the hallmarks of evidence-based practices when treating childhood abuse or trauma?
- What factors promote recovery from PTSD?
- Evidence based practices for treating child sexual abuse and mental health prognosis with/without treatment
- What are the respective tasks for child welfare and law enforcement in a child abuse investigation?
- What are possible causes of genital odor or discharge?
- What findings do investigators look for in previous documentation on a family?
- How is law enforcement involved in a child abuse and neglect trial?
- What medical terms are commonly used in cases involving child abuse or neglect?
- What do providers need to know about cultural differences in discipline and parenting?
- Do children sometimes avoid or delay disclosing sexual abuse?
- What if the alleged perpetrator refuses to leave?
- What is the "disclosure process" and what are its implications for sexual abuse cases?
- What information is needed in order to make a hotline report?
- What are best practices for informing a parents about a hotline call?
- What policies and procedures should be followed when a child discloses abuse at school?
- How is prior CPS documentation accessed?
- What are the best practices for talking to a child about the need to make a hotline?
- How can a caregiver's reaction to allegations of child abuse impact the child?
- What are the key components of a minimal facts interview?
- What are best practices for crisis placements?
- What should you expect when you make a mandated report?
- What are common caregiver reactions to allegations of child abuse or neglect?
- What are you listening and looking for to determine a credible allegation?
- What is the threshold for making a hotline report?
- What are some general concerns about secondary traumatic stress?
- What services do Child Advocacy Centers provide for communities across the U.S.?
- What is the criteria for making an arrest?
- Are there laws about keeping kids at school due to concerns of child abuse/neglect?
- Who has the ability to take protective custody of a child?
- What counts as child neglect?
- How do MDT members share responsibilities?
- What is the procedure for initiating a forensic interview at a Child Advocacy Center?
- How can law enforcement make child abuse investigations less traumatizing for families?
- What techniques are used to interview alleged sexual offenders?
- What should educators know about triggering students and how to support them?
- How do officers establish and maintain rapport with a suspected child abuser?
- From a police standpoint, what do Child Advocacy Centers offer to the community?
- What are best practices for interviewing parents with suspected intimate partner violence?
- What is the role of medical provider in MDT?
- What happens if a medical provider suspects that a child may be experiencing abuse or neglect?
- What types of behavior between people of different ages is illegal?
- What issues are relevant to mandated reporters in education settings?
- What forensic tools and techniques are used to collect evidence of child abuse and neglect?
- What are behavioral indicators of PTSD across development?
- What happens if a parent refuses to allow a child to be interviewed?
- What bruising patterns are common on children?
- What is the procedure for establishing protective custody in your jurisdiction?
- What rights do people have to interpreter services in a hospital?
- What happens when a child presents for medical treatment but a legal guardian is not present to give consent?
- What are neurological indicators of trauma exposure?
- What could go wrong if translation is not provided?
- How is discharge planning handled when child maltreatment is suspected?
- Why do children need to testify in court and what is that process like?
- How does the justice system consider cultural beliefs around age differences for people in sexual relationships?
- What options are available for interpreter services in a hospital if an interpreter is not available?
- How do members of a MDT share information and collaborate?
- How can child-serving systems be made more equitable?
- How does the school collaborate with the MDT?
- What happens if an alleged perpetrator refuses to leave the home?
- What barriers exist to accessing interpreter services?
- What are the key variables in safety assessment?
- How is child pornography investigated?
- What steps can one take to build rapport with parents during an investigation?
- What are the laws pertaining to images of child sexual abuse?
- What are characteristics of families with interpersonal violence and child abuse or neglect?
- What are the components of a SAFE-CARE exam?
- What risk factors for child maltreatment are seen most often by medical professionals?
- What are "plain sight parameters"?
- What does a SAFE-CARE exam look like?
- What promotes post-traumatic growth following sexual abuse?
- What impact can a parent's own trauma history have on their parenting?
- How do you determine sibling placement priorities?
- Commonly asked questions about child sexual abuse
- What are the signs and key indicators of sexual abuse?
- What are the connections between intimate partner violence and substance abuse?
- Information about differences between normative and problematic sexual behavior for a five-year-old
- Best practices for working with interpretors
- What are best practices for engaging caregivers around difficult placement decisions/safety planning?
- Understanding the child welfare grievance process
- What are parent’s rights related to mandated reporting and investigation?
- Information about how the childware system works
- Information for parents and caregivers about coping with sexual behavior problems
- Information about secondary trauma and child welfare staff for supervisors and administrators
- Information about forensic interviewing for child welfare workers
- Information about trauma for parents and caregivers
- What are play-based signals of child abuse?
- Cultural beliefs relating to parenting and discipline
- What types of grooming behaviors do perpetrators utilize most frequently?
- Information about physical abuse : Effects, Interventions, and Resources
- What are some differences between normative and problematic sexual behavior for a five-year-old?
- What are the developmental milestones for a 32-month-old child?
- What are common behavioral and emotional reactions of caregivers when they are informed of child sexual abuse allegations?
- Information about PTSD symptom presentation in children compared to adolescents and adults
- What are educational indicators of trauma?
- What are recommended gun safety practices when children are at home?
- Evidence based practices for treating child sexual abuse and mental health prognosis with/without treatment
- What are the signs and key indicators of physical abuse?
- What are general key developmental milestones for a 5-6-year-old?
- Information about caregiver’s role in recovery following trauma
- How to distinguish accidental injuries from indicators of physical abuse?
- Information on secondary traumatic stress
- Resources for STS from NCTSN
- Post-Traumatic Growth in Children
- Information about sexual abuse: Effects, Interventions, and Resources
- Online Training Providers
- Information about safety plans (from Child Safety - A Guide for Judges And Attorneys)
- Online Training Resources
- Resources for STS from University of Kentucky Center on Trauma and Children (CTAC)